How Often Should Windows And Door Be Replaced?

For many homeowners, door and window replacement can seem like a confusing undertaking. While it may seem like it makes sense to replace your windows and doors on a rotating basis, that’s not always the best idea. To replace them effectively, you need to know exactly how long your current doors and windows should last and how to determine when it’s time to switch out for new ones. 

This detailed, informative article explains the different factors you need to take into consideration when deciding whether or not to replace your doors and windows with this comprehensive guide on how often you should opt for windows and doors OKC. Read on to know more in detail to have an overall better understanding!

The Consequences Of Neglect

What are the consequences of neglecting your windows and doors? Neglecting OKC window replacement can lead to several problems. The most common problem is drafts. Drafts cause significant discomfort for homeowners, especially in the winter months. If you have cold spots in your home, it could be because you have leaks in some of your windows or doors. 

Other problems that may occur from neglecting your windows are water damage and insect infestations. If you live in an area with heavy storms, severe thunderstorms, or hurricanes, then neglecting your windows can create a dangerous situation for you and your family.

What Constitutes Neglect When It Comes To Windows & Doors?

In the event of a storm or other event that damages your windows and doors, it can be hard to know if the damage is too expensive to simply patch up. Many factors go into determining when you need to replace your windows and doors, but here are some quick general guidelines. 

OKC window replacement should be done every 5-6 years, on average. Of course, this will depend on the quality of the Oklahoma window companies and their warranty as well as other factors such as exposure to harsh weather conditions. The doors should be replaced every 8-10 years, on average. This will also depend on factors like exposure to extreme weather conditions and door material type (wood vs steel).

Staying On Top Of Things

As your windows and doors age, their seals may become worn out and their frames may start to warp. This can lead to leaks, drafts, and all sorts of other problems that can be costly in both time and money. But don’t worry–there are plenty of things you can do to keep up with the maintenance on your windows and doors so that they last as long as possible before needing a replacement. 

One of the best ways to minimize damage is by being proactive about how often you opt for OKC window replacement. If you install new windows or doors every few years, they’ll typically last twice as long because they’re less likely to experience damage due to weathering or animal intrusion.


Finally, when you are looking for doors OKC, it is advised that you stick to hiring professionals and not any random unprofessional; this way, you can make the most out of your investment.

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Home Renew

Address:722 N Broadway Ave Suite 301 Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Phone: 405-437-2104